U sklopu projekta organizirana je međunarodna konferencija Art (History) in Educational Contexts koja će se održati na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagreb od 10. – 11. veljače 2023.
Art (History) in Educational Contexts – Programme and Book of Abstracts

Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to the Present
Umjetnost i država u Hrvatskoj od prosvjetiteljstva do danas
U sklopu projekta organizirana je međunarodna konferencija Art (History) in Educational Contexts koja će se održati na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagreb od 10. – 11. veljače 2023.
Art (History) in Educational Contexts – Programme and Book of Abstracts
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb Zagreb, Croatia, 10 – 11 February 2023
Deadline: 30 November 2022
Conference web: https://art-history-education.ffzg.unizg.hr/
The conference Art (History) in Educational Contexts aims to bring together academics and experts in the field of art history and visual arts education in formal, nonformal and informal contexts. In the field of formal education, topics could include all education levels (from elementary schools to higher education). The emphasis is placed on exploring relationships between local, regional and/or national educational policies and education in the fields of visual arts and art history, both diachronically and synchronically. In informal education, the conference welcomes papers on museum programmes that in different ways focus on or incorporate visual arts and art history. In nonformal education, art history and visual arts could be explored through various courses in lifelong education. Papers should be based on investigation of art works through different interpretative and educational approaches, which excludes practical aspects of art production.
We welcome academics and experts, school teachers, museum educators, art mediators and similar professions who would like to participate in the conference with:
A number of issues that the conference aims to explore fall under two broad topics.
Educational policies
The aim is to provide insight into how educational policies influence the design of the curriculum of art history and visual arts as school subjects or courses, as well the status of these subjects at all educational levels (from elementary school to university studies). The topic also includes history of art history teaching at universities.
The topic includes methodologies of teaching visual arts and art history at all educational levels, and within all types of educational contexts (formal, nonformal, informal) such as the role of art history in the contemporary educational discourse through its importance in integral development of individuals, development of their critical thinking, creativity, and/or visual and multimodal literacies, and the use of digital technology in art history and visual arts education. Relationships between different educational contexts (eg. schools and museums) are a special issue within this topic that warrant academic and professional research.
As a topic that can provide almost limitless possibilities for reviewing, expanding and deepening current understandings, pedagogies can be related to a range of other issues concerning history of art in educational contexts.
The official language of the conference is English.
Important dates:
Deadline for the submission of proposals is 30 November 2022 Contributors will receive notification of acceptance by 15 December 2022
Registration: 3 January 2023
Conference fee payment: 13 January 2023
Conference: 10 February and 11 February 2023
Deadline for full paper submission is 15 June 2023
Art History in Educational Context international conference will take place at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, from 10 to 11 February 2023. It will be organized within the project “Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to the Present”, IP-2018-01-9364, funded by the Croatian Sciences Foundation.
Održano je predstavljanje projekta Umjetnost i država u Hrvatskoj od prosvjetiteljstva do danas/Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to the Present, Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, 10. veljače 2022.
Predstavljanje rezultata drugog izvještajnog razdoblja i planova aktivnosti za treće izvještajno razdoblje unutar projekta Umjetnost i država u Hrvatskoj od prosvjetiteljstva do danas/Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to the Present održano je 10. veljače 2022. u 11.30 sati u dvorani D6 Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Projekt je predstavio voditelj prof. dr. sc. Dragan Damjanović.
Poziv na predstavljanje projekta Umjetnost i država u Hrvatskoj od prosvjetiteljstva do danas/Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to the Present, Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, 10. veljače 2022.
Predstavljanje projekta Umjetnost i država u Hrvatskoj od prosvjetiteljstva do danas/Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to the Present održat će se 10. veljače 2022. u 11.30 sati u dvorani D6 Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Dosadašnji rad na projektu te planirane aktivnosti u završnom razdoblju projekta predstavit će voditelj prof. dr. sc. Dragan Damjanović.
Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da nam se pridruže!
You are probably aware of the current situation with the Covid-19 pandemic and the fact that Croatia, as well as other countries in Europe and beyond have been witnessing a rising number of new cases.
Since it is impossible to predict the situation in September, due to the safety of us all, we’ve decided, prompted by the comments some of you left in the questionnaire to postpone the conference to next year and hold it onsite, instead of online (of course, we will leave the possibilty for those that will not be able to come to held their presentation online).
We have chosen this path because we feel that having a completely virtual conference would not yield the same results, or bring the same sort of satisfaction we usually get from attending these events. We choose the old normal!
NEW DATES: 30 June – 3 July 2021
Paper proposals should contain author(s)’s name(s), title and the body of text,
written in English, which should not exceed 400 words and a short author’s biography not
longer than 250 words.
Proposals should be sent to art-state@ffzg.hr
Deadline for the submission of new proposals is 1 March 2021
Contributors will receive notification of acceptance by 15 March 2021
The official language of the conference is English.
CONFERENCE FEE DEADLINE: 15 June 2021; early registration 1 June 2021
We apologize for any inconvenience this decision to postpone might cause you.
We would like very much to meet you, or see you again in Zagreb.
Conference organizers
Javno predstavljanje rezultata prvoga i plana drugoga izvještajnog razdoblja projekta HRZZ „Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to the Present“
U četvrtak 30. 1. 2020. na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu održano je javno predstavljanje rezultata prvoga i plana drugoga izvještajnog razdoblja projekta „Umjetnost i država u Hrvatskoj od prosvjetiteljstva do danas“/„Art and the State in Croatia from the Enlightenment to the Present“ (HRZZ-IP-2018-01-9364) koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost. Projekt je predstavio voditelj prof. dr. sc. Dragan Damjanović.