New Art and the State Conference Dates

Dear participants,

You are probably aware of the current situation with the Covid-19 pandemic and the fact that Croatia, as well as other countries in Europe and beyond have been witnessing a rising number of new cases.

Since it is impossible to predict the situation in September, due to the safety of us all, we’ve decided, prompted by the comments some of you left in the questionnaire to postpone the conference to next year and hold it onsite, instead of online (of course, we will leave the possibilty for those that will not be able to come to held their presentation online).

We have chosen this path because we feel that having a completely virtual conference would not yield the same results, or bring the same sort of satisfaction we usually get from attending these events. We choose the old normal!

NEW DATES: 30 June – 3 July 2021

Paper proposals should contain author(s)’s name(s), title and the body of text,
written in English, which should not exceed 400 words and a short author’s biography not
longer than 250 words.

Proposals should be sent to

Deadline for the submission of new proposals is 1 March 2021
Contributors will receive notification of acceptance by 15 March 2021
The official language of the conference is English.

CONFERENCE FEE DEADLINE: 15 June 2021; early registration 1 June 2021

We apologize for any inconvenience this decision to postpone might cause you.

We would like very much to meet you, or see you again in Zagreb.

Conference organizers